月別アーカイブ: 4月 2014

demand and greed


So, in a measure, you have found yourself: have retreated behind all that flowing appearance, that busy, unstable consciousness with its moods and obsessions, its feverish alternations of interest and apathy, its conflicts and irrational impulses, which even the psychologists mistake for You.

Thanks to this re-collective act, you have discovered in your inmost sanctuary a being not wholly practical, who refuses to be satisfied by your busy life of correspondences with the world of normal men, and hungers for communion with a spiritual universe.

And this thing so foreign to your surface consciousness, yet familiar to it and continuous with it, you recognize as the true Self whose existence you always took for granted, but whom you have only known hitherto in its scattered manifestations.

This climb up the mountain of self-knowledge is the necessary prelude to all illumination. Only at its summit d we discover, as Dante did, the beginning of the pathway to Reality. It is a lonely and an arduous excursion, a sufficient test of courage and sincerity: for most men prefer to dwell in the comfortable ignorance upon the lower slopes, and there to make of their more obvious characteristics a drapery which shall veil the naked truth.

True and complete self-knowledge, indeed, is the privilege of the strongest alone. Few can bear to contemplate themselves face to face; for the vision is strange and terrible, and brings awe and contrition in its wake.

The life of the seer is changed by it for ever. He is converted, in the deepest and most drastic sense; is forced to take up a new attitude toward himself and all other things.  pp29-30

Likely enough, if you really know yourself – saw your own dim character, perpetually a t the mercy of its environment;your true motives,


The very mainspring of your activity is a demand, either for a continued possession of that which you have, or for something which as yet you have not: wealth, honor, success, social position, love, friendship. comfort, amusement.

You feel that you have a right to some of these things: to a certain recognition of your powers, a certain immunity form failure or humiliation.

You resent anything which opposes you in these matters. You become restless when you see other selves more skilful in the game of acquisition than yourself. You hold tight against all comers your own share of the spoils.

You are rather inclined to shirk boring responsibilities and unattractive, unremunerative toil; are greedy of pleasure and excitement, devoted to the art of having a good time.

These dispositions, so ordinary that they almost pass unnoticed, were named by our blunt forefathers the Seven Deadly Sins of Pride, Anger, Envy, Avarice, Sloth, Gluttony, and Lust.




投稿者: : 2014年4月30日 投稿先 未分類





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投稿者: : 2014年4月30日 投稿先 未分類


CosmoSetter 候補地

National Park

pinterest national park

Yellowstone National Park

Grand Prismatic Springs

mammoth hot springs

Jenny Lake


投稿者: : 2014年4月29日 投稿先 未分類




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投稿者: : 2014年4月28日 投稿先 未分類



書き起こし.comが音声コンテンツの書き起こしテキストを投稿・共有するサイトに進化  30min:7,500yen


投稿者: : 2014年4月28日 投稿先 未分類


Pavel Durov

Pavel Valeryevich Durov (Russian: Па́вел Вале́рьевич Ду́ров; born 10 October 1984) is a Russian entrepreneur, best known for being the founder of the social networking site VK and the younger brother of Nikolai Durov.

CEOの座を追われたVK.comのPavel Durov, 主要技術者全員を引き連れて中欧某国へ脱出, 永住の地を模索

TechCrunch Japan 4月24日(木)21時17分配信


これは、今年のスタートアップのピッチの中で、強く心に残るものの一つになるだろう。ロシアの人気SNS VKontakte.comのファウンダPavel Durovは、サイト上の政治的コンテンツを検閲すると政府に脅された、と主張している最中(さなか)の今週、上位株主たちの意思により、同社のCEOの 座を失った。

今彼は、まるでVKに対する当てつけのように、VKではなくFacebookへの投稿で、12名の技術者とともに、当面の本社を中欧某国に移した、と述べ ている。それに続けて彼は、“プライバシーと言論の自由を確保しながら”新しいプロジェクトを作っていけて、本社を恒久的に置ける国や都市の提案を読者に 求めている。新しいプロジェクトの最初のものは、彼が今週初めに本誌TechCrunchに明かしたモバイルのSNSだ。

Facebook上にDurovは次のように書いている: “どの国や都市がぼくたちにいちばん合っていると思われますか? この記事の下のコメント欄で教えてください。ぼくたちサイドの要件としては、ぼくたちは 官僚主義と警察国家と大きな政府と戦争と社会主義と過剰な規制がきらいです。ぼくたちは、自由と強力な司法と小さな政府と自由市場と中立性と人権が好きで す”。要するに彼が言わんとするのは、ロシアは自分たちが居たい場所ではない、ということだ。




投稿者: : 2014年4月28日 投稿先 未分類





投稿者: : 2014年4月28日 投稿先 未分類


The Birth of Planet Earth


投稿者: : 2014年4月26日 投稿先 未分類